
ELABORATOR Pilot 1: Testing new solutions for collecting, analyzing and visualizing accident-related information

ELABORATOR projects aim is to promote safe, participatory and sustainable mobility in the city. The projects Helsinki Living Lab is being implemented by Forum Virium Helsinki and VTT with close co-operation with the city.

As part of the ELABORATOR project, Forum Virium Helsinki will be procuring two pilot projects to be carried out in Helsinki. The total budget of the procurement is up to EUR 45 000. The total number of pilot projects is 2. The maximum cost for pilot project 1 is EUR 25 000, VAT 0% and for pilot project 2 is EUR 20 000, VAT 0%.

The call will open on February 24, 2025 and the deadline for submitting proposals is March 21, 2025 at 16:00 (EET).

The form below is used to send your tender. You are required to fill in all information on the form and attach your tender document as an attachment. You may also include three other attachments.

We recommend submitting your tender in good time before the deadline. Remember to click the Submit button.

The form below is for tenders to Pilot 1: Testing new solutions for collecting, analyzing and visualizing accident-related information.